Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Are we all lonely, or is it just the single 28 year old girl?

Yes, I'll admit it...I'm feeling lonely, and as I was searching for a blog...something I can relate to...I found nothing. First of all, admitting that you're feeling lonely to friends is an open invitation for criticism. For my friends at least. Unless they are lonely, willing to admit they are lonely, friends will start to hit you with their bat of criticism such as "you're too picky...you need to do this...you need to be like that...blah blah blah". Admitting to family you're lonely, will just make your mother sad. Anyway, hopefully this blog will reach out to the fabulous people like me. Those who are reading this are now my new best friends. Friends that can truly relate. The reason why I'm lonely, well...I'm almost 29, I don't have a boyfriend, two of my friends are married and engaged, and the third...well stopped talking to me. (I'll explain later... I don't read blogs that are too long...it's too much!) Like my mother says "You're at that age where you should be at another stage in your life" Is she right? I think yes...only because my friends (and sometimes the whole world) is already at that stage. Are we all lonely, or is it just the single 28 year old girl?


Jill said...

I'm single, so I cannot said that it is only because we are all lonely!!
But some people seems to want to push you to be in a relationship, but I didn't find somebody that interested me... And I've been told that I'm too picky!! I better be single than in an unhappy relationship!!

Anonymous said...

That's my theory too! Better happy than simply being in a relationship. I'm so excited people are voting and leaving comments...I'm excited!!

♥B said...

I am not single, but I think at times we all get lonely and wish we had more friends. I had a friend recently walk out of my life too, but you learn from things like that. It only makes you stronger.

So, now that we are best friends and all....you have to let us get to know you more. Tell us all about you :)

EnnuiHerself said...

I would like to reiterate the "better to be happily single than unhappily married" sentiment.

I imagine everyone gets lonely every now and again regardless of marital status. And while there is certainly something to be said for having a built-in supporter (i.e., husband or wife) when life gets hard. Still I think there are many people who got married looking for that "built-in support" only to find that they are still going through life alone but now with someone else's baggage in addition to their own.

Valley Girl said...

You can feel lonely even if you're with someone!

I think at our age, you start examining your life with a more critical eye; friends get married and have babies, and you look at your life and start to feel alone.

Relish the fact that you're single and most importantly, have fun!