Sunday, August 19, 2007

Men! Why do you do the things you do?

So I have another update. I haven't been blogging for a few days because I've kind of been bummed out and don't really have the urge to write, and if I did write it would have been all complainy and whiny. So anyway, I met this guy last night, he's a youngin' (24 to be exact), but he's really cute. I met him at a party. He seemed very funny and really nice. After the party, a group of us went to a club. So there's a bunch of us, and some friends of friends met us it was fun. Towards the end of the night, Cute Young Guy II got wasted to the point where I couldn't understand what he was saying, but he asked for my number, so I gave it to him. So as we're all socializing...talking to each other, mingling...he starts talking to this other girl, and they're getting all touchy feely. It kind of bothered me but it kind of didn't. It seemed like she was being more flirty, and he was just enjoying it, almost too drunk to flirt back. So, at the end of the night, I was with a friend walking to my car, and I see CYG II in a corner with the other girl doing "stuff". Not bad stuff...I don't even think he was kissing her, but I did see a lot of ass grabbing. What is that! So I'm thinking, if I go out to dinner with this guy, I'm not going to say anything. But...should I even go out to dinner? But maybe he wont even call. At this point I'm not even excited that I finally have someone to date. Seriously guys...stop thinking with your wieners!

Monday, August 13, 2007

Should I just give up and accept that some things are just not meant to be?

Okay, so this is my 'mans' situation. I went to go visit my friend yesterday, and listen to this! She was spending the day with her new friend, so I just went shopping alone and came back home. Kind of sad :( Not only was I looking forward to seeing my friend, but I was hoping to see GLG and at least exchange numbers. I would have approached him in a cute, "hey we should have exchanged numbers last time" kind of way. Nothing a little shopping therapy didn't repair. Now, this is the thing with older guy, when my work friend wanted to introduce me to him, he had just broken up with his girlfriend, so my work friend wanted to wait a while. So she said she would invite me to a party where he was going to be there. When I saw his picture, I wasn't too sure I wanted to meet him, but then I thought, "you know what...I have to stop being picky, and a picture means nothing, and he might be a great guy". So I agreed to the whole, meeting him thing. But there has been no word of a party I don't know whats going on with older guy. There was also Mixed Messages Hot Smart guy. He was the first guy I ever asked out, like 5 months ago. I'm still waiting for him to call. I saw him out once and he shook my hand! What does that mean? (Hence the name MMHSG). Oh, you know what 's weird...yesterday I got like a million text messages from people I haven't talked to in a month. It was an interesting way to end my day. So my question of the day is...oh I can't think of one...okay here it is: Would you give up on GLG, or try to think of ways to hook up?

Friday, August 10, 2007

Bowel blog...seriously.

I was just viewing random blogs...and did you know there's a blog with someone taking a picture of their daily "bowel movements". They've been doing this everyday for months, maybe years! I couldn't stay on his/her blog long enough to find out. Eeew!

Thursday, August 9, 2007

So few men...and nobody gives you the time!

I got my haircut today! I just changed hair dressers. There's lots of layers, but I like the cut! So anyways, here's an update about Good Looking Guy. I was supposed to go visit my friend this weekend, but she has plans so I can't go. Which is unfortunate, because when I called her last week to see if I could was okay, but now she wants to do other stuff so I can't go. GRRRRR. This makes me a little upset because, first she introduces me to this nice guy good looking guy, but she's making it hard for me to follow up, get to know him, and establish a connection. Secondly, when I ask her if she's talked to him...I even told her to say something like "you know, my friend is interested in you, and if you're interested I can give you her number", but she refuses to do it. She's too shy I guess, but I would do it for a friend. So now I feel like I've been's a really good catch but you can't have him! And get this! When I talk to my other friend about it (remember I only have 3 :), she tells me "oh he lives too far anyways, your work schedule will make it too hard to visit each other". SO WHAT! A 45 minute drive is not far, and anyway that would be for me and him to decide. For me, it would just be nice to get to know him. The thing is, I shut down when my friends are non supportive like that. I don't know what to respond. I feel stupid for trying to pursue. Having someone say 'don't worry, we'll figure out a way to get to know him' would be nice, but what can I do. These same friends also think that asking out a guy is being desperate. I think sleeping with any guy that asks you out is desperate...asking a guy out I think is confident! Are your friends like that...or just mine?

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

To date or not to date...or rather, who should I date?

So today, I'm going a little more into detail about guys that are available for me to date. Maybe you'll see why I'm so picky. Oops...did I say the p word! Okay fine....I am picky. I don't want to be stuck dating a guy I'm not attracted too. What if the guy likes me more than I like them, but because I am the type of person I am, I'll be with them because there's no reason for me not to. My other option would be to be alone. So I just avoid the whole dating thing. But lets get one thing clear. I don't fall for guys who are supermodel cute or anything. He just has to be the average type guy, that makes me blush a little. I feel like I should be dating guys that I see a future with. A happy one.

Okay so here's a list of men that I either meet, or friends want to set me up with.

Guy 1: Old Guy
This guy is about ten years older than me. I saw his picture...mmmm I didn't get excited when I saw the picture. You know...he looked kind of older. Not like an old man...but...just didn't 'feel the spark'.

Guy 2: Young Guy
This guy I actually met on my own. He asked me my I gave it to him. He called, but I was having dinner with family, so I called him back the next day. He called me back....really late. I was getting ready to go to bed! So I called the next day...really early. He calls me back, even later than the day before! So I figured he was younger (okay so I don't actually know that he was younger, but he seemed like those really young cuties). So I didn't bother calling him back, but he called again...even later than the day before. We're talking past midnight. I have to work! I can't function on 5 hours sleep!

Guy 3: Arts Guy
This is the type of guy you see everywhere. And the only reason I remember him is because he has a man purse. I see him the the mall. Turns out I have a friend who knows him and wants me to go on a date with him. And well...when I see him, for example at the gym, he's not actually working out. It just seems like he just walks around with his murse and his hoodie.

Guy 4: Good Looking Guy who lives kinda far
Went to visit a friend, was interest was intrigued. He's cute, he's nice, he's establish, has a nice place. But, I had to leave, so there wasn't enough time to establish a connection to make a move. Maybe I'll see him again, he only lives about 45 minutes away. Oh yea...he's three years younger, but looks my age, because I thought he was my age when I saw him.

So, what would you do?

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Are we all lonely, or is it just the single 28 year old girl?

Yes, I'll admit it...I'm feeling lonely, and as I was searching for a blog...something I can relate to...I found nothing. First of all, admitting that you're feeling lonely to friends is an open invitation for criticism. For my friends at least. Unless they are lonely, willing to admit they are lonely, friends will start to hit you with their bat of criticism such as "you're too need to do need to be like that...blah blah blah". Admitting to family you're lonely, will just make your mother sad. Anyway, hopefully this blog will reach out to the fabulous people like me. Those who are reading this are now my new best friends. Friends that can truly relate. The reason why I'm lonely, well...I'm almost 29, I don't have a boyfriend, two of my friends are married and engaged, and the third...well stopped talking to me. (I'll explain later... I don't read blogs that are too's too much!) Like my mother says "You're at that age where you should be at another stage in your life" Is she right? I think yes...only because my friends (and sometimes the whole world) is already at that stage. Are we all lonely, or is it just the single 28 year old girl?